Tag Archives: Nepal

ज्योति मगरको नयाँ भिडियो ‘देखिन्छ नानी नाचेको छेकिन्न छेकेर’

गायिका ज्योति मगरको नयाँ भिडियो सार्वजनिक भएको छ। गायक शिव कार्कीसँग मिलेर उनले गाएको ‘देखिन्छ नानी नाचेको छेकिन्न छेकेर’ बोलको गीत पूर्वेली भाकामा छ।

Singha Durbar -Nepali TV Series Episode 06

Singha Durbar TV series is using the power of drama to create in its audience a sense of possibility that their government leaders could serve the whole country rather than their narrow political interests. The TV series is funded by USAID and is produced by Search for Common Ground Nepal, along with production partner Mila Productions.

Sajha Sawal Episode – 422 Inspiring People with Disability

‘प्यारालाइसिसले मेरा दुईवटै खुट्टा चल्दैनन्। मेहनत गरेर पढे। एमबिबिएसमा नाम निकाले। मणिपाल कलेज टपे। अहिले टिचिङमा विशेषज्ञ डाक्टर छु,’ डा.शर्मा पौडेल जस्तै अपाङ्गता भएका पौरखीहरुको कथा साझा सवालमा

Sajha Sawal Episode – 421 Earthquake Reconstruction Sindhupalchwok

भूइँचालो गएको ७ महिना बितिसक्यो । गर्मी र झरी अस्थायी टहरामा बिताइसकेका भूकम्प प्रभावितहरुको जाडो कसरी कट्ला त? कहिले र कसरी उनीहरुको जीवन सामान्य बन्ला? आजको साझा सवाल सांसदहरु शेरबहादुर तामाङ, कमला पन्त र राममाया बोगटीसँग सिन्धुपाल्चोकको चौताराबाट ।

Singha Durbar -Nepali TV Series Episode 05

Singha Durbar TV series is using the power of drama to create in its audience a sense of possibility that their government leaders could serve the whole country rather than their narrow political interests. The TV series is funded by USAID and is produced by Search for Common Ground Nepal, along with production partner Mila Productions.

वाग्मती फोहर व्यवस्थापन

पशुपतिछेउमा बगेको वाग्मती नदी । काठमाडौँ उपत्यकामा वाग्मतीको ठूलो महत्व रहेकाले सफाइ तथा संरक्षण गर्दै वाग्मती सफाइ अभियानलाई निरन्तरता दिई फोहर व्यवस्थापन गर्नुपर्ने देखिन्छ । तस्बिर : रोशन सापकोटा, रासस

सामाजिक कार्यका लागि अन्न

कञ्चनपुरको जोनापुरका थारु समुदायले बर्षभरि हुने चाडपर्व, सामूहिक भोज र सामाजिक कार्यका लागि अन्न जम्मा गर्दै । तस्बिर : राजेन्द्रप्रसाद पनेरु, कञ्चनपुर, रासस

Singha Durbar -Nepali TV Series Episode 04

Singha Durbar TV series is using the power of drama to create in its audience a sense of possibility that their government leaders could serve the whole country rather than their narrow political interests.

The TV series is funded by USAID and is produced by Search for Common Ground Nepal, along with production partner Mila Productions.